Merry Christmas 2020
Posted by
DiGiKerot in Free Talk at December 25, 2020 on 1:23 am

Merry Christmas, y’all.
Guess I’ve not posted much on anything this year. You know how it is, I’m sure – much as I’d like to put it down to mostly being a busy year, it is also one I’ve mostly spent at home. This sure does mean I’ve watched a bunch of anime, but it also sure does mean I’ve been sat at my desk at home an awful lot, and at a certain point, I need to not be sitting where I do my day job in order to sit around and write stuff for the internet. I need space to unwind and all that.
Well, that, and I’ve been playing a bunch of Genshin Impact. Way too much Genshin Impact. An absurd amount of Genshin Impact.
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